Samstag, 4. Oktober 2014

OOTD: AC/DC on tour

cropped tee forever 21 / flannel clockhouse by c&a / denim levi's / creepers the fabulous / backpack nasty gal / sunnies h&m

That's the look I wore yesterday to a flea market. It really feels like summer at the moment! 

I really like this look, because there are just a lot of staple pieces of mine like the black'n'white flannel, my black skinnies, my creepers (that I got off ebay for 5€!), my favorite backpack, and some round sunnies. I own a lot of band tees and went for the AC/DC one this day, because I haven't worn this one for a while. 
I bought quite a lot of stuff at the market, but I'm gonna show it to you in a separate post. 

Enjoy your weekend (or your vacation like I do, muhaha)!

xx Nina

Freitag, 3. Oktober 2014

A Day Off School

cropped tee urban outfitters / denim BDG via urban outfitters
I had the Wednesday off - and not because I skipped school or pretended that I'd been sick (although that had happend a couple of times, I gotta admit). Anyway, here's what I did on that day:

Chilling around the house
that means lying in bed, watching TV, reading a book or a magazine, surfing the internet and putting all the stuff in my online cart I cannot afford and NOT buying it, watching YouTube videos, eating...

my bad habit is to enjoy the proximity of food when I'm home a little too much, so I'm constantly walking back and forth to the kitchen and back into my room...but that's just how it goes when you're home alone, right?
And I had this yumminess for breakfast:
cherry soy yogurt with organic chia raspberry granola and a pear 
Going outside
for me, it's important to go outside of my apartment, so that I don't forget that there is a life outside of my PJs and my bed. I gotta remind myself of the world out there, and we had really nice weather today (which cannot be taken for granted in October in Germany).

Riding my bike with my grandma
I love riding my bike, and I cannot imagine a single day when I don't use it. For me, it's the best way to get from one place to another. You get some fitness, fresh air, you do something for the environment, and you're mobile. We just had some errands to run and went to the city where I bought...

a white basic shirt for work and a pair of slightly acid washed jeans. Shopping when most of the people are working is kind of relaxing - at least to me. However, I sometimes wonder how many people don't have to work at like 1 pm.

I <3 ma bike

That's it for today again. Do you have a bike or do you use it at all? Do you have a scooter or a car or do you prefer public transportations? Leave me a comment if you like, I'd like to know!

xx Nina

Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2014

Product Review: Soy Bolognese

There it is - the result of my Soy Bolognese experiment! As you may remember, I received this product in my "Vegan Box" of September, so I gave it a try...

First, it was just a dry mixture of soy protein, tomato powder, natural aroma, sea salt, vegetables components, spices, and herbs. All you have to do is to add water and let it cook 20 minutes. Then, you can add whatever you think belongs to a perfect bolognese.

I went for a classical Italian style bolognese sauce and added a carrot and a red pepper to it. At the end, I sprinkled a bit of the Jeezano vegan parmesan on top. Btw, I used gluten free spaghetti which are made out of rice and corn flour. 

DE: So, nochmal etwas detaillierter auf deutsch, denn ich glaube kaum, dass die "Farmitra Soja Bolognese" in Amerika bzw. in vielen anderen Ländern erhältlich ist. Nun, während ich das trockene Halbfertigprodukt für 20 Minuten gekocht habe (bis sich die Sojastückchen mit Wasser vollgesogen haben), habe ich ein bisschen geschnippelt: Eine Zwiebel, eine Paprika, eine Möhre, drei Knoblauchzehen. Diese Zutaten werden in etwas Pflanzenöl angebraten und nach ein paar Minuten eine Dose geschälte Tomaten hinzugegeben (als Alternative gehen auch passierte Tomaten oder Ketchup). Dies einige Minuten köcheln lassen und würzen (Ich benutze da immer von allem etwas: Salz, Pfeffer, Paprika, Basilikum, Oregano - und Sambal Oelek für etwas mehr Schärfe). Wenn das Soja-"Gehackte" fertig ist, dieses auch mit in die Pfanne geben und verrühren. Wer mag, kann auch noch ein paar Röstzwiebeln hinzufügen, ich habe das gemacht, weil mir die Zwiebeln ausgegangen sind und mir eine Zwiebel zu wenig war, aber habe Röstzwiebeln in der Sauce für gut befunden. Nochmals abschmecken und fertig ist das Festmahl! Die Packung reicht für 4-5 Portionen (wenn man die Bolognese also eintuppert und in den Kühlschrank stellt, hat man die nächsten Tage auch noch was davon).

plate IKEA / apron who the hell wants to know this?! 
To end this post, here's a beautiful, hungry, model-like, "I'm-so-fancy-I-don't-eat-spaghetti-with-a-fork-and-a-spoon-but-with-a-fork-and-a-knife" picture. See you next time!

xx Nina